Monday 10 September 2012

Natural Hair loss treatment , Natural Herbal Hair Tonic

 Looking smart, slim and attractive is every woman’s desire. They can live without consuming a balance diets and nutrition. They would rather like to follow the crash diet. The only reason behind hair loss in women is the desirous of maintaining the attractive figure. However, it has reverse action specifically to the hair follicles which start loosing if they do not meet the required nutrients for the body, heart and mind.

Such circumstances will give add up more disturbances to women when the beauty is recognized by their hair. Hair itself needs maintaining with shampooing, massage, combing and stimulating with recommended oil for the shining and growth of hair. In case of men they have to be careful maintaining such as hair cutting regularly within 3 to 4 weeks, massaging with hair oil, combing and following the rules that you will find further in this article.

Massaging is one of the best stimulating of blood flow into the hair follicle and this will stop hair loss and improve hair growth. However, it is also necessary to maintain 3 minutes massaging on daily basis. Apply gently with your finger tips on the scalp and do not rub roughly as it can create friction will be more like pulling out the hair follicle.

Another method of massaging with essential oil is also important for the scalps. Use 5 to 6 drops of essential oils into 4 drops of almonds oil or sesame oil. Then mix them properly before applying on the scalps. Massage gently with your finger tips and allow them to absorb for 20 to 25 minutes. Use recommended shampoo with 4 drops of bay essential oil before washing your head.

Talking about low fat diets for men has a tendency to slow down hair loss. It has not been stated that low fat diet will stop hair loss. This is due to less production of testosterone while a high fat diet will increase testosterone production.

Women rarely suffer total baldness. However, women do get thinning of hair due to gastrointestinal problems. There are chances of malnutrition like not enough absorbing materials such as zinc, protein and other necessary nutrients or stomach acids. In such circumstances, women should take non-diary powdered acidophilus half table spoon afte meals for 2 to 3 months. The result if changed effectively then she should stop taking further.

Arnica tincture if diluted in a warm water and rinse them properly on the scalp will increase the blood flow towards hair follicle will also stop hair loss. Jojoba oil does the same work but it needs a massage and a period of absorption before washing. While Emu oil or Kakaya oil has a different approach for hair follicles when applying on regular basis will make the hair growth effectively.

Finally, rosemary tea or nettle tea are excellent for the recovery and protecting of hair loss. Daily intakes of rosemary tea or nettle tea will nourish the hair follicle.

Hair Oil For Hair Loss Treatment

One of these days, people may start considering the best alternative method to stop falling hair is Herbal Treatment. It has neither side effect nor carries any hazardous chemicals. Before understanding the application of any medicines, topical herbal oil, creams or in any other form one should know the basic knowledge of hair follicles.

Cells are the main function of hair producing. It starts with the connecting tissues based in the large area of Papilla where the shaft or a follicle based to become a root sheath of a hair follicle. Gradually, it starts growing with the help of keratin cells. Hair grows into a various cycle consisting of growth, temporary cessation of activity and rest phase. Hair is also known as a part of skin organ. Therefore, the cycle varies depending on different areas of a human body. The eyebrows cycle completed within 4 months whereas the scalp needs 3 to 4 years.  Other than scalp most parts on the skin carrying hair follicle cycle period is as same as eyebrows period.

Every day a normal person sheds 100 to 150 hair follicles. If the hair loss proves to be excessive and severity of thinning and diffusion is developed then it is necessary to protect with proper medications. The best advise that will be given from every well wishers is to consult with the Dermatologist or medical profession to diagnose effectively.

Interestingly, herbals are natural ingredients making hair follicles function into a normal condition while adding a better look in one’s hair follicle. Following are some of the very interesting herbs that support herbal treatment for those suffering from different pattern of hair loss.

Sea plants, sea weeds or extracted Algae consisting of amino acid, vitamins and minerals will support the hair growth. The basic seaweed like Atlantic Kelp and Himanthalia Elongata perfectly works for hair growth and shines brighter than ever.

One of the seaweed also known as Pelvetia Canaliculata Extract carries isoflavones having antioxidant properties makes hair revitalize and it is really very effective for those women suffering from hair loss.

Aloe Vera is every one use for conditioner as well as protecting the scalp from Alopecia. It is common and mostly woman keeps Aloe Vera at home for this specific purpose. It needs to message properly on the scalp will stimulate the hair production.

Hair loss is basically due to inhibiting of DHT and one of the Chinese herb known as Dong Quai or Chinese Angelica stops the formation of DHT.

One more Chinese herb known as Fo-Ti has been showing very improving results. Even the American Botanical Council has recommended for the use of this promising ingredients has the restorative power of hair color and hair growth.

Green Tea is especially useful for male pattern type baldness. It will stop from the baldness and will start improving the hair growth.

One of best known herbal use is Horse Tail effectively rejuvenate the large areas of Papilla where the hair follicle growth starts. It is also good for protecting baldness.

Saw Palmetto is known as one of the most famous herbs protecting the hair loss and re-growth effectively.

Main hair loss in men is due to DHT. Urtica Diocia or the Stinging Nettle blocks the hormones inhibiting DHT. It is also advisable to add with Saw Palmetto will be more effective to stop hair loss in men.

Finally, nourishing of hair with tonic is really important for every one. Ginseng the only renown herbs contain lots of effective ingredients will make the hair growth effectively.